The Snail on the Slope

The Snail on the Slope is a generative film based on a book of the same title by Strugatsky brothers. The novel is set on an unknown planet, where humans have a base from which they are investigating and trying to conquer the Forest. The Forest is constantly changing and fighting back. It is also dangerous and there are a lot of unexplained phenomena that they are discovering.

The film is made of five chapters, which critically address the questions of artistic and scientific efforts to understand nature. The topics that arise in those chapters are: sublime view on nature, role of knowledge, ubiquitous bureaucracy and destruction of nature.

The Snail on the Slope from Vladimir Todorovic on Vimeo.

direction and editing by: Vladimir Todorović
script by: Vladimir Todorović
story by: Arkady and Boris Strugatsky
music by: Brian O'Reilly, Syntfarm, Vladimir Todorovic
type and design: Roy Wang

Languages: English
Duration: 7:41 
Format: prores HD 1920:1080, HD-Cam 
All the scenes are generated with creative coding platform - Processing

produced by Vladimir Todorović, 2009.

screenings: 39th International Film Festival Rotterdam, Rencontres Internationales Paris, Videoformes, 25th International Video and Digital Culture Festival, Magmart, Moves10, Mediawave, FilmFest Dresden, backup, Recontres Madrid, Festival of Animated Film Stuttgart, Bunker, World Film Festival of Bangkok, ISEA2010, 15 Ourense International Film Festival, Ars Electronica, Animadrid, Exis, Videomedeja...

see a flickr set (making of...)