Disappearing Landscape

Three stories set across Serbia, Singapore and Spain follow immigrants and their uneasy relationships with foreign landscapes. In Serbia, a man comes back to his hometown after years living abroad. He feels estranged while visiting places he once knew well, and is confused about the disappearance of the intimate connection he had with once familiar landscapes. In Singapore, an expatriate couple living a monotonous life face upheaval after an encounter with cosplayers in their neighborhood. This is followed by a trip to a coral reef, which has managed to survive in an industrial area. In the final segment, a couple from Latin America arrives in Spain to search for a better life. They are ready to explore the new landscapes, but uneasiness and fear of the unknown haunt them.

iffr 2013
jeonju report
production notes

Director: Vladimir Todorovic
Script: Vladimir Todorovic
Producer: Fran Borgia
Line Producers: Ivana Brankovic (Serbia), Gerard Marco (Spain)
Cinematography: Hideho Urata, Jelena Prekajski, Ferran Castera
Editor: Shantha Kumar
Music: Brian OʼReilly
Main Cast: Hiroyuki Machida
Bobbi Chen
Petar Vasiljevic
Adam Vukovic
Goran Andrejin
Ives Laborie
Carolina Torres
Jordi Palau Castro
Location: Shot on locations in Singapore, Serbia and Spain

Shooting format: Super16mm Film, 1.85:1 |
Sound Format: Dolby SR |
Countries: Singapore |
Languages: Japanese, Mandarin, Serbian, Spanish, English |
Duration: 65 minutes
produced by: Akanga Film Asia