
Vladimir Todorović is an artist and educator living in Whadjuk region, Australia. He uses generative systems to tell stories about our relationship with life, changing environment, and our exploitations of past, current and future technologies. His projects have won multiple awards and have been showcased at numerous festivals, exhibitions, museums and galleries including Annecy (62nd, 60th), 33rd Animafest Zagreb, 60th Ann Arbor FF, 25th Avanca, 18th Vienna Shorts, Visions du Reel (49th, 46th, 44th), IFFR (42nd,  40th and 39th), Cinema du Reel, Festival du Nouveau Cinéma (50th and 42nd), Rencontres Internationales Paris/Berlin, BIFF, SGIFF, L’Alternativa, YIDFF, Siggraph, ISEA, Ars Electronica, Transmediale, Centre Pompidou, House of the World’s Cultures and Japan Media Art Festival. He teaches generative art, animation and fine arts in the School of Design, UWA.

contact: v /a/t/ vwww.space